My eldest son, Master Rambles, has a severe allergy to nuts, in addition to other food allergies and intolerances. I always thought we were healthy eaters, but these allergies have made us re-evaluate and we have become strict food label readers. We avoid all preservatives and artificial colourings and flavourings.
After the shock that so many ‘healthy’ products contain these ingredients, and even the ones that don’t still have the risk of cross contamination with nuts, I decided the safest thing to do was to cook most things ourselves, from scratch. I was never much of a baker, but I have expanded my biscuit and cake range and even learnt to make my own bread and yoghurt. I have had to learn to make meals with limited ingredients and have had many successes, and failures.
My kind family and friends are very complimentary of my basic, if improved, cooking skills and many have asked for recipes. In this section I will be sharing some of my successes for anyone who would like to try them.
Comments are always welcome!
Click here to view the recipes